
学部・大学院区分 理学部 
時間割コード 0680200 
科目区分 専門科目 
科目名 【日本語】 [G30]物性物理学2 
科目名 【英語】 [G30]Condensed Matter Physics II 
担当教員 【日本語】 GELLOZ Bernard Jacques ○ 
担当教員 【英語】 GELLOZ Bernard Jacques ○ 
開講期・開講時間帯 春 金曜日 2時限
授業形態 講義 
G30 Physics 
See the “Course List and Graduation Requirements for your program for your enrollment year. 

授業の目的 【日本語】
授業の目的 【英語】
The purpose of this course is to gain a solid understanding of the basic behavior of electrons and atoms in solids and the consequences on the electrical and thermal properties. 
到達目標 【日本語】
到達目標 【英語】
The objective of this course is to know the different theories that have been introduced for the understanding of the behavior of electrons and atoms in solids, starting from the most simple approaches and then introducing more advanced theories. Students will then be able to understand the origins and mechanisms of many electrical and thermal properties of materials. The universality of concepts (e.g. quasiparticle behavior; effects of periodicity in the theoretical framework) will be emphasized. The students will master the mathematical tools necessary to describe the items listed in the course content. 
1. Lattice vibrations; Phonons (semiclassical approach)
2. Heat capacity of solids - Classical theory, Einstein model and Debye model
3. Thermal conductivity of solids
4. Introduction to electron theory of metals; Drude model (i.e. classical approach)
5. Free electrons: quantum approach
6. Nearly-free electron models; Concept of energy bands; Bloch waves
7. Metals; Fermi sphere; Density of states; Electronic specific heat;
8. Semiconductors
9. Dielectric properties of solids 
Condensed Matter Physics I 
Condensed Matter Physics I, Fundamentals of Physics I, II, III & IV, Science of Materials, Quantum Mechanics I&II,
Electricity and Magnetism. 
Grades will be based on homework (30%), a midterm examination (30%) and a final examination (40%). 
Class attendance is required - absentee must give a valid reason (e.g. doctor’s certificate). A student will receive the "Absent (W)" grade if his attendance is below 10/15 or he does not sit for an Examination, without valid reason. Otherwise, a student who wishes to receive the "Absent (W)" grade must inform the teacher until the day of the Final Examination. 
Introduction to Solid State Physics (IE), 8th Edition Kittel, Charles/ McEuen, Paul John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2005 
Ashcroft&Mermin: Solid State Physics (Brooks/Cole)
P. Hofmann: Solid State Physics, an introduction (Wiley-VCH)
S. H. Simon, The Oxford Solid State Basics (Oxford University Press) 
In general, after a lecture introducing new concepts, a small report will have to be submitted by the following lecture, making a total of about 13 reports. Students should spend a few hours per week to study lecture materials and do the reports. 
By default classes will be face-to-face.
Live lectures via MS Teams or On-demand lectures may also be considered in very special circumstances. 
In remote classes (live lectures via MS Teams), students will be able to ask questions and discuss the lecture content anytime.
Additionally, students could have discussions in the NUCT forum.